One of the Panetta Healing students in Australia (Diane) is a radiographer by day but is also studying Animal Communication - see  Diane asked my permission to have a chat with my dog Daisy through meditation (Daisy can be seen in the Green Man photo in the foreground on this website). Remember that Diane is in Australia - my dog Daisy is in Scotland UK.....

Daisy had recently been in a terrible fight with a dalmatian dog. Unfortunately she went up to the dog "to tell it to keep its distance of her" - but instead the dalmatian picked her up and literally shook her like a rag doll...... needless to say she needed homeopathic help after that experience to treat the shock......

Diane asked Daisy why she felt she had to go up to the dalmatian dog in the first place - here is Daisy's response to Diane's question :-

"I used to be a big horse. I'm having trouble adjusting to being small. I thought I was bigger and could take on that rude dog. I tried to show submission but he wouldn't let me go. I'm Liz's protector, her guard dog. I have to stay on duty".  END

Daisy's background :- Daisy is a Tibetan Spaniel. the Tibetan Monks would keep them on their laps to keep them warm while they prayed so  they are also known as Prayer Dogs. They would sit high up on the mountain overlooking everywhere while guarding the monks.

Daisy has masses of fur which makes her look big. However, when she is washed her fur goes very flat - and she looks really small - very diminished.  Her hair makes her look AND feel big. She absolutely hates having her hair cut and loses her confidence with ease when it is cut. Daisy is quite "aloof" and tends to keep her distance with both animals and humans except if she feels vulnerable when instead she  will challenge - but will always "back out" at the last minute.

Can you see the similarity between the description given here of Daisy - Diane's conversation with her - and a really well known homeopathic remedy?....... The well known remedy I am referring to was actually given to her about 3 years ago and at that point was very successful. I'm not mentioning it here but if you are a homeopath and wish to contact me to clarify please  do so! 

Do you see the importance of what Diane has shown is possible here?  If ALL healers - whether they are orthodox doctors, vets, homeopathic vets, herbalists, reiki practitioners, Indian Massage therapists, homeopaths, psycotherapists - ALL healers - if you were trained in the Art of Meditation - which is really what Diane was using here - you would be able to far quicker - and deeper - understand the trauma of not only your human patients but also babies AND animals........ 

Diane had no idea at all when she conversed with Daisy that she had been given a remedy 3 years ago representing the image she was displaying in her conversation with Diane. Neither did Diane know about how diminished Daisy becomes when her hair goes flat after being washed - diminished to half her size........But her skills through meditation (Animal Communication) allowed her to access information that if she were a homeopath would lead her directly to the correct remedy. 

Meditation allows us to access information that otherwise we can only try to discern through observation and language. However, meditation will allow far deeper access to certain information - often vital in the final analysis of a prescription and far more accurate than observation alone.  

If you wish to explore the idea of meditation for healing further visit the Panetta Course page on this website OR join a Meditation Group in your own locality. If you are a Vet and more interested in Animal Communication only visit - your human patients and the Animal Kingdom will be thanking you that you were willing to explore meditation - for their sake.......

Liz - Panetta Healing